MGI - Department for National Affairs and Agro-Engineering Expertise

One of the most important tasks of the Department is to provide professional background activities related to governmental tasks and contribute to activities in agricultural engineering expertise. Another task of the Department is the technical-economic evaluation of agricultural machines, because the agricultural production can only be efficiently carried out by properly and economically operated machines. It also monitors the operating costs of machines, in order to support the decision making of producers and managers in agriculture.

The Department annually publishes a cost-forecasting booklet summarizing the operation costs of agricultural work performed by different machines. This booklet helps the planning, selection and coordination of machines, facilitates to control the operating costs and assists the cost calculations, etc.

The Department supports the farmers with advisory activity in the field of agricultural engineering. Furthermore, the Department also considers scientific research, development and innovation as part of its activity in the field of agricultural mechanization. The main topics of researches are economic and methodological investigations. The research projects are motivated by scientific, social and practical aspect, and results, findings, conclusions also form the basis of further researches.


Munkakör: osztályvezető, tudományos főmunkatárs
Munkavégzés helye: 2100 Gödöllő, Tessedik Sámuel út 4.
Telephone: +36 28511615
Fax: +36 28511600
Mobil: +36 703137482
E-mail: gally.szilvia[at]
Zsófia Barabás-Olasz
Munkakör: intézeti mérnök
Munkavégzés helye: 2100 Gödöllő, Tessedik Sámuel út 4.
Telephone: +36 28511630
Fax: +36 28511600
Mobil: +36 709354841
E-mail: barabas.olasz.zsofia[at]
Attila Szabó
Munkakör: ügyintéző
Munkavégzés helye: 2100 Gödöllő, Tessedik Sámuel út 4.
Telephone: +36 28511617
Fax: +36 28511600
Mobil: +36 709354845
E-mail: szabo.attila[at]



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